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Banana Clicker


Noteworthy information about Banana Clicker

Banana Clicker is the hottest clicker game with its funny gameplay. Your mission is to tap the giant banana to produce more bananas and complete achievements.

Simple Mechanics

Your task in this game is very simple. In this game, you are required to tap the giant banana in the center of the screen. Each click will help to produce one more small banana. Your ultimate goal is to produce as many bananas as possible. This game is endless, so play this game now, and let's see how many bananas you can create.

The shop

In the shop, you are allowed to purchase upgrades. These upgrades help you produce more bananas. For example, you can increase the number of bananas per click. Moreover, you can buy passive gain and increase passive gain. The amount of money you must pay for these upgrades will increase gradually, so accumulate as much money as possible.

How to control: Click the left mouse button to produce more bananas.

All achievements in Banana Clicker

There are a total of 38 achievements you must complete in this game. Here are some dominant achievements and tips to complete them.

  • The Beginning: This achievement will be unlocked after you play the game for 10 seconds.
  • Banana: When you get the first banana, this achievement will be unlocked.
  • Amateur: If you want to complete this achievement, try to earn 1000 bananas.
  • Wealthy: Attempt to earn a billion bananas to get this achievement.
  • Cheater: If you use the Autoclicker upgrade, this achievement will be completed.
  • Clicker: If you can click 5 times per second, this achievement will be unlocked.
  • Powerful Bananas: To get this achievement, you must buy 10 banana powers.
  • Bundling Up: You must purchase 10 banana bundles to complete this achievement.
  • Have a picnic: To complete this achievement, you need to buy 10 banana baskets.