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Devil Duck : Not a Troll Game


Devil Duck: Not a Troll Game follows the success of Level Devil. The challenges will be more difficult and attractive than ever with many new elements added.

Overcome many unexpected challenges

Inspired by the game Level Devil, familiar with unexpected situations and challenges, the character can fall into a hole or be stabbed by thorns, and many other unpredictable situations. This game is more innovative and outstanding when many elements are added such as levers, other animals blocking, and many other things. Start moving very carefully because you cannot predict what changes are ahead, if you accidentally hit the obstacles, it's okay, try again the next time.

If you find it too difficult to do the challenge yourself, you can also see the hints in the left corner of the screen to find the right way to overcome the challenge.

The difference of this game is that there are many other animals participating to prevent you from completing the challenge. Look at the characteristics of each type to avoid it properly. In addition, many other interesting things are waiting for you to discover and find the rules to overcome it excellently.

The game has many diverse levels for you to perform and each level has a certain difficulty, but you can also try as many times as you want until you reach the time gate. Sometimes you may be frustrated during the game, but this is the goal of this game, to annoy you. Can you calmly overcome all the challenges of this version?

Unlock other characters

Different from other versions that only have one character and move throughout the game, in this version you can change your character by unlocking other characters. And to own them, use the money you earn through the challenges of the game.