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Draw In


The principle of Draw In

Draw In allows you to complete adorable items using your artistic talents. You will stretch your line, then surround the items and complete the quest.

Items will be represented by dashed lines. There are items you can find out what they are. However, there are a few items that are difficult to guess. You need to use seamless lines to redraw them. However, you must note that you are not allowed to draw longer or shorter than items. You need to use a line long enough to fill in the dashed line. You are only allowed to lack within the red dashed line. If you will be shorter, you will not be able to complete the mission. You also cannot get a complete item if your line is longer than the item.

The game requires you to be able to judge. You will have to work hard to get the line to the right length. So, you will probably fail a lot of times. You should try again to be able to adjust the length of the line better.

How to play Draw In

To make the line longer, you need to hold the left mouse button. You need to release the left mouse button to stop. Then, the line will automatically surround the items.

Pretty easy to control the game. You still need to exercise your judgment. You will probably make many mistakes. Learn lessons from your mistakes. You will create more cute items. The higher the level, the harder the items are to draw. They will have more details. Therefore, your judgment needs to improve to perfect items. Good luck!